Hey! Are you having a boring and drowsy day? Are you looking for something new to watch on TV? Well, this is the perfect place for you! Welcome to our Reviews’ Corner!
In this section you will find reviews of movies, TV series or books written by our students and edited by our English teachers.
Each text will analyze and provide information about the plot, the characters, the main themes and the style of the products, with the purpose of giving the reader a thorough and complete overview.

Naturally, students will also offer their honest opinion and point of view about the works they will be dealing with.
So, we highly hope that you will find these articles interesting and enjoyable and that – why not – you will find tips for the next movie to watch!
And don’t worry, we’ll be careful not to include any spoilers!
Professor Marco Richiedei – docente di Inglese del Liceo Artistico Foppa e dell’Istituto Piamarta